Archive for My thoughts, feelings & opinions: Proposition 8


Leading up to election day, Tuesday, November 8, 2008 protests began occurring regularly throughout the state of California in favor an against Proposition 8. Frequently these opposing views would place themselves opposite each other and scream and battle with each other over their points of view and why they were right.

The YES on 8 supports frequently berated the NO on 8 supporters blaming them for AIDS, terrorism and other items.

Watch what happened when Tyler and Spencer went to join the NO on 8 protest in San Francisco, CA.

Now imagine being in their shoes? Could you stand there and feel human after having those hateful things said to you?

Separation between Church and State

Our country was founded on the concept of freedom and equal rights as well as a separation between Church and State. We all know that there is nor will there ever be a complete separation between Church and State as we are a country founded on puritanical views.

That being said Proposition 8 is one of the worst separations between Church and State ever. It was a proposition put forth and largely supported by the Church of Later Day Saints of Jesus Christ (LDS). Not only that but the National Organization for Marriage was formed by the LDS Church. Don’t believe me? See where Maggie connects to the LDS Church:

Maggie Gallagher and NOM has become the very successful front group for the LDS Church and because of her the LDS Church has been able to get away with all of its involvements in the Proposition 8 campaign, including giving millions of dollars to the campaign, which is not allowed by-election law and could endanger their status as a tax-free organization.

Why this topic and what do I hope to achieve?

I grew up in a small town in New Jersey, before moving to Orange County, California 4 years ago, and have spent the majority of my life in small communities. After making this move I realized I had lived in a bubble, where there was no such thing as homosexuality.

I quickly realized that there was an entire world I hadn’t experienced and I began to realize I was a member of this community. Around this same time I began to understand what statements like “thats so gay” or “what a fag” really meant and how offensive they are.

During the Summer of 2008 the California Supreme Court ruled in favor of Same Sex Marriage and for the first time same sex couples were equal to opposite sex couples in every way.

The 8th Proposition of the 2008 California State ballot measures was 14 words long but these 14 words made California the first state to remove rights from a community of people.

Maggie Gallagher- President, National Organization for Marriage

The organization that pushed the hardest for the passage of Proposition 8 was the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), lead by Maggie Gallagher (pictured).

With this blog I aim to convince Maggie Gallagher that the National Organization for Marriage is wrong and should be disbanded.